This document serves to inform our stakeholders that we are working within an established child protection framework, giving confidence in our commitment to safeguarding children’s rights, safety and best interests. It serves as a practical guide for everyone involved in our activities.


— 1. Vision and Mission

— 2. Introduction

— 3. Overall Objectives and Our Commitment to Protect Children

1. Vision and Mission

DESIGNEDIN is a Design, Co-Design and Inclusivity space, a research and creation project focusing on designing services, products, environments and solutions to enhance the quality of life of children by using a child-centered and a children’s rights-based approach. The aim of the project is to craft better-designed products and services that serve children the best, empowering them, amplifying their futures and shaping new worlds through design. 

DESIGNEDIN believes in a construction of a society where children have their rightful place and amplify their social impact.

At DESIGNEDIN we see children as integral individuals and citizens with a specific set of rights. 

2. Introduction

Children have specific rights safeguarded by the 1989 United Nations Convention, which recognizes them as active, creative agents, and social beings and protects them from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury, abuse, neglect, discrimination, maltreatment, or exploitation.

DESIGNEDIN works within a common commitment to protection of children and their well being  

This policy sets out common values, principles and beliefs and demonstrates the organization’s commitment to protecting children. 

3. Overall Objectives and Our Commitment to Protect Children

Emphasizing the Best Interests of the Child: We uphold the best interests of the child as a guiding principle in our decision-making processes, ensuring that their safety and well-being are at the forefront of our actions.

Guaranteeing the Right to Development: We are dedicated to guaranteeing every child’s right to development, nurturing their physical, intellectual, and emotional growth.

Promoting the Right to Art and Design and Quality Education: We advocate for the right to art, design, and quality education for all children, independent of their gender, race, religion, or any other factors.

Protecting Children from All Forms of Discrimination: We are committed to protecting children from all forms of discrimination, ensuring they are treated with fairness, equity, and respect.

Fostering Child Participation and Empowerment: We actively involve children in decisions and activities, respecting their views and promoting their agency as active participants in their own lives.

Encouraging Family Unity and Prioritizing Child Well-being: We encourage family unity and prioritize the overall well-being of the child, recognizing the fundamental role of families in children’s lives.

Promoting Inclusivity for All Children: We promote inclusivity for all children, including those with disabilities, by ensuring that our practices are as accessible and inclusive as possible for every child.

Raising Awareness and Building Capacity: Our policy supports continuous awareness-raising and capacity-building efforts for our staff, volunteers, and stakeholders, enhancing their understanding of child protection principles and responsibilities.

Collaborating with Relevant Partners: We actively collaborate with organizations, communities, and individuals who are aligned with our commitment to strengthening child protection systems and responses.

Recognizing the Child’s Right to Expression: We recognize and respect the child’s right to express their views in all matters affecting them, taking into account their age and maturity, and ensuring that their voices are heard and valued.

Monitoring and Evaluation: We will regularly monitor and evaluate the implementation of our child protection policy to ensure its effectiveness, relevance, and alignment with our mission and objectives.

These objectives and commitments reflect our unwavering dedication to safeguarding children’s rights, ensuring their protection, and promoting their well-being within the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and other relevant international instruments.