UNICEF has developed policy guidance that explores AI and the ways in which it impacts children, promotes children’s rights and raises awareness of how AI upholds or undermines these rights. Find several resources on the topic at the UNICEF AI for children project: AI guide for parents, AI guide for teens.

This is an Unesco book on guidance in Artificial Intelligence and education for policy-makers. Download here

Save the Children International is an independent children’s rights organisation who’s founder wrote the first draft for the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1923. If you want to design better products and services for children you should start by reading the insights of this book. It provides an operating model and tools. Download here.

Cities Alive: Designing for Urban Childhoods is a report about how a child-friendly approach to urban planning is vital for the creation of cities that work better for everyone:
‘The amount of time children spend playing outdoors, their ability to get around independently, and their level of contact with nature are strong indicators of how a city is performing, not just for children but for all generations of city dwellers. If cities fail to address the needs of children, they risk economic and cultural impacts as families move away.’ Download here.

The online world has a many risks as opportunities. Find here guidance for a better understanding of online risks and harms for children and how to support them on the digital environment.

The Little Book of Design Research Ethics is a practical guideline based on IDEO experience along the years. Initially conceived for internal designers, the book guides us throughout a project with recommended actions and three principles – respect, responsibility, and honesty – and illustrates them with real-world examples. Read more and download here.

IDEO created a tool for testing your Design concepts ethically on an early stage. It outlines three principles: responsibility, respect, and honesty. Find a printable PDF here.

D4CR created a set of principles which helps designers and other practitioners respect and value the children’s needs and perspectives. The Designing for Children’s Rights Guide translates into words new standards for both design and business to direct the development towards products and services that have ethics and children’s best interests at their core. Find it here.